FAO - For The Attention Of
FAO stands for For The Attention Of
Here you will find, what does FAO stand for in US Government under Government category.
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How to abbreviate For The Attention Of? For The Attention Of can be abbreviated as FAO What does FAO stand for? FAO stands for For The Attention Of. What does For The Attention Of mean?For The Attention Of is an expansion of FAO
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Alternative definitions of FAO
- Finish All Over
- Finnish All Over
- Faroese
- For Attention Of ....
- Food and Agriculture Organization
- Food and Agriculture Organization (of the United Nations)
- Faro, Portugal
View 54 other definitions of FAO on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FARS Fatal Accident Reporting System
- FARSI Federation American Rail Signal Inspectors
- FARSIGHT Infrared staring-array imager system, 3-5 mm FLIR
- FARSO Faith Association Of Rehabilitation of Street Children and Orphans
- FARSR Farm Animal Refuge Suwanna Ranch
- FART Farmers Against Ridiculous Taxes
- FARTS Functional Approach for Real-Time Systems
- FARU Rundu, Namibia
- FARV Future Armored Re-supply Vehicle
- FARV-A Future Armoured Re-supply Vehicle, Artillery
- FARVE Fixed Asset Registration and Valuation Exercise
- FARZ Reitz airport
- FAS Fuerza(s) Armada(s)
- FASA Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act
- FASAB Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board
- FASAC Financial Accounting Standards Advisory Committee
- FASACPI Fundacion de Accion Social y Ayuda Comunitaria Peraviana, Inc.
- FASAE Filipino American Society of Architects and Engineers
- FASAP Faculty and Staff Assistance Program
- FASAPL FA Systems Automation Pte Ltd